Wednesday, August 10, 2011

DS: Does your dog herd chickens? Am I doing the right thing here?! (anyone know about chickens?)?

Most dogs chase chickens. They usually have to be taught to not chase the chickens as even trying to herd them leads to excess noise and flying about and scaring chickens will keep them too upset to lay eggs. There are a few naturally herding breeds that will attempt to herd anything but chickens are not really bright animals and as live stock we have not asked much of them. My grandmother always told me to leave the setting hens to care for the chicks and in cold weather we could put a large light bulb over the feeder to keep them warm. She also told us to leave the chicks with their mothers or in the incubators until they were strong enough to get out on their own. Chickens will peck and injure weaker chickens. They and ducklings are usually left to do the hatching work on their own. They strengthen and help their down to dry on their own. My grandmother kept several kinds of poultry when I was very small. She also had an old German Shepherd named Shep. Old Shep tried his best to ignore the chickens and really only roused when their seemed to be something causing them to be upset. Chickens lay one egg a day so the hatching process will of natural coarse take several hours for the hen to hatch them. Laying an egg seems to cause a small amount of clucking and fluttering but rodents or skunks or strangers had to be dealt with. Those were depression days and there were four and two legged chicken thieves. Shep seemed to know just when he was needed.

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