Monday, August 15, 2011

Does this sound like a learning disability?

i'm almost 12. i will often add and omit numbers, though i rarely reverse them. over the school year i would stay up late at night practicing math facts with my parents. my mom doesn't work so over the school year she'll help with my math to but i am unable to learn information, so it's not like i've been poorly taught. it takes me a while to learn math facts at school, but when i get home i don't remember a single thing i learned in math. i often mess up when using a calculator and i have sloppy work and hand writing. i can't tell time well, and can't picture the numbers on a clock, i have to count around it. i have to count on my fingers, and can't do mental math. i already have ADD which runs in the family, and bad math runs in my family to. (bad math not dyscalculia.) i study three times harder than any one else and i still manage to get bad grades. if i glance at a digital clock i will read the numbers totally wrong. i can't really play math games like uno or things with nubers cause i'm always like is that a six or a nine? is that a 3 or a 2? i feel really stupid until i watched george lope and heard about dyscalculia and i'm pretty sure i have it. please help!

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